About Me

Hils and family

I’m Hils Robson and I live with my family in the Scottish Borders.

My husband and I have been together since we were teenagers, and are very lucky to have four lovely children, Jennie (24), Rosie (22), Susanna (19) and Hunter (12). 

Family means everything to me.

Hils and Hunter
Hils and Hunter

By chance in 2009, I read an article about Doulas, (a trained companion who supports you through pregnancy, labour and after your baby).

I realised I had found my perfect job and trained immediately!

I loved being pregnant and having babies, and I hope my enthusiasm for it will put a new parent at ease.

To have support can make all the difference and I have a very active, caring and supportive online Facebook group you are welcome to join, BB Buddies, which has been very much needed during the pandemic.

As a Doula, I was seeing more and more babies with colic and reflux.

After looking into cures to try and help, it seemed Baby Massage kept coming up, and so as the NHS were sadly not providing this postnatally anymore (due to financial reasons), I trained to teach this to parents.

Leanne and baby Alexander
Leanne and Alexander (Innes' mummy)

I held a class for a small group of friends in my sitting room about 10 years ago and things have kind of grown organically from there.

Courses then started running locally, and before I knew it over 4O% of all babies born in The Scottish Borders were attending my classes and learning the wonderful world of Infant Massage.

My love of babies has led to where I am today, and I’m passionate that parents can enjoy this time as much as possible.

When the pandemic put a stop to holding my classes in person, my husband and I decided to create a new online guide to Baby Massage with an array of free downloads and tips to help parents

My Ethos...

Everyone is unique, we all have our own personalities and so I believe there isn’t and won’t be a fast and hard rule on how we should parent.

Every family has their own individual values, customs and cultural traditions and so it doesn’t seem appropriate to try and tell someone how to raise their baby.

I am hoping this website and the tutorials will bring you some gentle tips, reassurance and help you gain confidence in this exciting stage of your life.

The world is always offering new advice, but my hope is that Best Beginning can encourage parents to relax, listen to their own intuitions and parent as they would like to.

My Qualifications

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